Why worry about fleas and ticks?
Fleas: Fleas cause itching, skin irritation, and general discomfort for pets and their owners. They are vectors for disease and other parasites, like tapeworms. For all these reasons, it's highly recommended you protect your pet (and in turn, yourself) from these little buggers. Some popular treatments are Frontline, Advantix, and Revolution. Natural deterrents are also available.
Ticks: Ticks are notorious for harboring Lyme Disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Ticks may cause local irritation when they lodge under the skin. Infection may also occur if a tick is only partially removed after lodging. Some popular treatments include Frontline, Advantix, and Preventicks. Natural deterrents are also available.
What about mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes and Heartworm: Mosquitoes are vectors for disease and parasites. One of the most common and most detrimental mosquito-transmitted parasite is heartworm. While heartworm is treatable, prevention is vital to maintaining the health of your animal. A quick Google image search for "heartworm" will be enough to convince you that prevention is the way to go. Since animals do not exhibit symptoms of heartworm infection until the parasite is well-established, a quick annual blood screening is critical to wellbeing. Popular preventatives include Heartgard, Interceptor, Revolution, and Advantage. Most heartworm preventative also prevent against intenstinal parasites, as well.

There are many products available to help keep your pals healthy and comfortable; we're here to help you make an informed decision. So give us a call or stop on in and let's talk ticks and more.
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